Wednesday, August 1, 2012

1, 2 & 3

it's mind blowing to think how fast things change in our lives.  i am trying so hard to take a deep breath and absorb the life around me.  i'm blessed.  i'm thankful everyday!

it's summer 2012 and it's almost over <sigh>... and it may very well be one of the last summers that #1 will still want to hang out <sniffle>.  

i thought it might be a good time to introduce my kids, my inspiration.  so for today, the summer of 2012, words that come to my mind when I think of my babies:

#1 - matt (14 years old)
exceptional.  brilliant.  funny.  handsome.  compassionate.  teenager.  gifted.  big brother.  AMAZING!

#2 - lena (18 months old)
sweet.  feisty.  girly.  thumbsucker.  smart.  beautiful.  loud.  toddler.  silly.  ADORABLE!

#3 - tj (6 weeks old)
new.  cuddly.  noisemaker.  baby.  HUNGRY.  soft.  mama's boy.  HUNGRY!

summer is too short!  

christmas is just around the corner...  and milestones.  lots and lots of milestones to be made.  lots of memories to make....and of course lots of pictures to remember it all.  

some summer pics...

1 comment:

  1. Awe love that!! It's all true such sweet babies!! Even Matt he'll always be the first baby;)
